Winner Logo of the MBMC-TC Logo Competition

Winner Logo of the MBMC-TC Competition and a photo of Timo Jakumeit
Winner of MBMC-TC Logo Competition

We are very pleased to announce that our associate – Timo Jakumeit – from the Institute for Digital Communications has won the IEEE ComSoc MBMC-TC (Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications Technical Committee) logo competition. Out of five submissions in the final short list, Timo’s logo received the highest number of votes (38.4% of the 86 votes cast). His design will now represent the MBMC-TC in their activities and communications. As a recognition of his contribution, Timo will receive a free registration for the Workshop on Molecular Communications 2025, taking place from April 9-11 in Catania, Italy.

We congratulate Timo and hope that his logo strengthens the identity of the MBMC-TC. We also thank the organizers and all participants and for their time and effort in the competition.