1st SyMoCADS Seminar

A group picture of participant of the 1st SyMoCADS Seminar
1st SyMoCADS Seminar

What exciting days! Our first seminar took place last Friday (November 15, 2024). Thanks to the hospitality of Prof. Dietmar Drummer and his team, we could enjoy the talks and lots of many stimulating discussions at the great facility of LKT. SyMoCADS young researchers  (projects P1 to P10) presented the progress and results of the first months of their research and answered question from the audience. In addition to researchers and associates from FAU, we were very happy to welcome several guests from the field of Molecular Communication from the Technical University of Munich, the Technical University of Berlin and the Technical University of Dresden. Moreover, two of the prominent members of our Advisory Board – Prof. Andreani Odysseos   (CEO and Director of Biomedical Research of EPOS-IASIS  ) and Prof. Andrew Eckford  (Lassonde School of Engineering, York University, Toronto ) – also joined us and gave very interesting and inspiring guest lectures on the eve of the seminar. Despite her busy schedule, Prof. Andreani Odysseos found time to talk and share her story and experiences with young female researchers of SyMoCADS during the round table discussion that took place on Wednesday, November 13.

All in all, we had a lot of exciting and inspiring discussions and look forward to the next months of SyMoCADS and the upcoming meetings.